Thanksgiving Reflections

On Sunday, November 24th, I was given the opportunity to speak at the American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner. DIS chooses one student every fall to talk about their experiences in Denmark at this event. This year, I was asked to speak on behalf of DIS. I was honored to be givenContinue reading “Thanksgiving Reflections”

Why Choosing a Homestay was Right for Me

Choosing your housing at DIS Copenhagen is one of the most important decisions of your study abroad experience. From my perspective, where a DIS student lives really impacts the way in which they get to experience Denmark. When I was choosing my housing, I had a tough time deciding what I wanted my first choiceContinue reading “Why Choosing a Homestay was Right for Me”

Long Study Tour to Kosovo

Every core course at DIS takes a week-long trip somewhere in Europe for more hands-on learning. For my Humanitarian Law & Armed Conflict core course, we ventured to Kosovo for five days. Kosovo is located in the Balkans (think Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, etc.) and is one of the newest nations in the world, gainingContinue reading “Long Study Tour to Kosovo”

Week 8: What I Missed While Away

Each core course at DIS goes on a long study tour during the first week or last week of October (Travel Week 1 or Travel Week 2). If your core course is not traveling during a Travel Week, you get the week off to do some independent travel. My long study tour is at theContinue reading “Week 8: What I Missed While Away”

Affording a Semester in Copenhagen

Affording a semester abroad anywhere in the world comes with added expenses. Studying in Copenhagen, specifically, has greater expenses than most other places. When I was considering studying abroad, I knew that Copenhagen is an expensive city to live in and had to take my finances seriously. Additionally, each home institution has different policies forContinue reading “Affording a Semester in Copenhagen”

Week Five: Getting to Know Home

Last week was full of exploring distant parts of Denmark. This week, I got many opportunities to explore life more fully in the place I’m calling home right now. On Saturday, my host mom, Veena, showed me some shops in a part of Copenhagen I hadn’t been to yet before going to her sister’s apartmentContinue reading “Week Five: Getting to Know Home”

Week Four: Core Course Week

Part of studying at DIS includes selecting a Core Course, a class students spend a significant amount of time traveling with. Every Core Course at DIS takes part in Core Course Week, which consists of traveling somewhere close by for three days and spending the other two days of the week going on field studiesContinue reading “Week Four: Core Course Week”

Week Two: Sunshine and Joy

I’m a person who loves perfect little moments. You know, the ones when it feels like time slows down and everything comes to a halt as you take in the fullness of the world around you— the beauty of a flower, the warmth of a ray of sunshine, the laughs of the people you’re with.Continue reading “Week Two: Sunshine and Joy”

Week One: on Arrivals and Belonging

Where to start? I had quite a bit of anxiety about getting to Copenhagen without any complications, but I’m happy to report that I’m here, I’m safe, and I’m thriving. Everything went well with travel; all in all, it didn’t feel as long as it was. I was like a little kid in a candyContinue reading “Week One: on Arrivals and Belonging”

Who I am and Why I’m Studying Abroad

Hello and welcome to my Viaje a Copenhague— my trip to Copenhagen! My name is Suzi and I am a senior Templeton Honors student at Eastern University in St. Davids, PA. In just three days, I will arrive in Copenhagen where I will be studying for the next four months. I’ve been dreaming of thisContinue reading “Who I am and Why I’m Studying Abroad”

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